Established by David Bae, AIA, Leed AP in 2004, David Bae Architect is a full-service architectural firm dedicated to achieving great works of architecture within a wide variety of scales, building types, and budgets.
We believe that great projects are achievable only when both client and architect are dedicated to a shared vision. From its inception, David Bae Architect has focused on working with ambitious clients and then exceeding their expectations. We enter each project without preconceived ideas. Instead, we attempt to create spaces which resonate with the specific site and use of each individual project.
We believe details are what allow buildings to sing. Regardless of material or budget, details are utilized in service of the architectural whole. A great deal of effort is placed in having details at all scales contribute to the central idea of a project. Even the most common material used in innovative ways can take on meaning which conventional applications would not allow. Moreover, we relish outwardly adverse and complex conditions, utilizing them as opportunities to stretch and transform conventional thinking into creative design solutions.
David Bae takes the lead role in each project within the office and fully oversees all aspects of the design. David Bae received a Bachelor of Arts from Yale University and a Master of Architecture from Harvard University where he was awarded the Department of Architecture Faculty Award and the AIA Certificate of Merit. Prior to founding the firm, David Bae worked at the office of Pei Cobb Freed & Partners.